ESL 91
FALL, 2003

Leizl 1
Dorota 1
Manimegalai 1
Zhiyi 1
Marie 1
Leizl 2
Zhiyi 2
Manimegalai 2
Marie 2
Dorota 2

Leizl Nucup
ESL 91
Fall, 2003

Essay Topic: Explain why it is important to understand the basic principles of diet and nutrition. How does this understanding help us in our everyday lives?


Diet and Nutrition are two important topics for good health. Diet means the kind and amount of food and drink regularly provided to or consumed by our body while nutrition is the science that deals with foods and the way the body uses them. The word nutrition also refers to the process by which living things take in food and use it. The key to good nutrition is a good and varied diet that has every kind of nutrient. A nutrient is the food substance that the body uses as fuel. Nutrients are divided into five elements: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins.

According to the website, “”, studies explain why we need to know the basic principles of Diet and Nutrition and the five elements of nutrients that we need in our body. All nutrients are equally important to our well being although they are needed in varying quantities. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are called macronutrients because we need them in a large amount. Vitamins and minerals are called micronutrients because we need them in small amount.

Carbohydrates are the main and most important source of energy and most of them are provided by plant foods. There are two main types of carbohydrates: sugars and starches. Sugars can be found in fruit, milk, and ordinary sugar while starches are found in cereals or grains (bread, rice, pasta, oats, barley, millet, buckwheat, and rye) and some root vegetables such as potatoes and parsnips. Foods high in starches also supply other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Some sweet foods that are high in sugar (candies and cookies) supply carbohydrates but they contain a high amount of fat and small amounts of vitamins and minerals. The results of excess carbohydrate intake in our body are vascular disease, heart disease, hypertension, and many cancers such as breast, colon, and lung cancer.

Fats, another source of energy, are the body’s only source of the fatty acid that is essential for growth and skin maintenance. Fats protect our body’s organs against trauma and exposure to cold. Fats are divided into two categories: saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats are mainly from animal sources such as egg, fish, meat, butter and cheese while unsaturated fats are mainly from plants such as palm oil and coconut oil. Too much fat is bad for us because it can affect the blood cholesterol level and that increases the risk of heart disease.

Proteins are necessary for the growth and maintenance of body structures. The bones, muscles, skin and other solid parts of the body are made up of proteins. Animal proteins are found in cheese, eggs, fish, meat and milk while vegetable proteins are found in beans, grains, nuts and vegetables. The proteins in both animal and plant sources are composed of the basic units called amino acids. Eight out of 20 amino acids provided by our diet are called essential amino acids. An increased intake of protein is required during periods of growth, pregnancy and lactation. Too much protein in the diet can lead to its conversion by the body into fat, which may lead to problems in our heart.

Minerals perform a variety of jobs in the body such as to maintain the fluids found in the body cells. They are needed for the growth and maintenance of body structures. The most important minerals are calcium, iron, zinc, and iodine. Calcium is found in dairy produce, leafy green vegetables, bread, nuts and seeds, dried fruits and cheese. Calcium protects the bones and teeth. Iron can be found in leafy green vegetables, whole meal bread, molasses, eggs and dried fruit. Iron helps to regulate our red blood cells. Zinc can be found in green vegetables, cheese, sesame and pumpkin seeds, and wholegrain cereals. Iodine can be found in dairy products and sea vegetables. The results of excess protein in our body are skin disease, heart and liver problems.

Vitamins are essential for good health. They are found in food from both animals and plants. Vitamins help us to digest the food, fight infection and build new cells. They help regulate our metabolism and help to convert fat and carbohydrates into energy. Vitamins are divided into two groups: water and fat soluble. Vitamin C and B are water soluble and are found in fresh fruit, yeasts, whole cereals, green vegetables, and potatoes. Fat soluble vitamins, which are stored in the body fat, include Vitamin A, D, E, and K. They can found in fresh vegetables, wholegrain cereals, eggs, leafy green vegetables, and dairy products. The results of excess vitamins are kidney damage and liver damage.

In order to stay healthy, people must follow a well balanced diet that contains all the nutrients. People must limit the food intake that can be harmful to everyone. To eat healthy we should eat more fruits, vegetables and fiber, which keeps our bowels working regularly. We should cut down on saturated fat, sugar and salt because they are not essential for a healthy diet and they can cause many diseases like heart disease (fat), tooth decay (sugar), and high blood pressure (salt).

All of the nutrients are necessary as sources of energy and to create chemical reactions within the body to make it function. An appropriate assortment of foods can provide all of the basic nutrients needed for the body to function at optimal level. Food satisfies the basic needs of our body, which are the need for energy (carbohydrates and fats), the need for new tissue growth and repair (proteins), and the need for energy regulation of metabolic functions (vitamins and minerals).

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Dorota Dunleavy
ESL 91
Fall, 2003

Essay Topic: Explain why it is important to understand the basic principles of diet and nutrition. How does this understanding help us in our everyday lives?

According to an article The Basics of Nutrition in Interdisciplinary English – nutrition is the science which tells us about how our body breaks down and uses food. For proper function our body needs a defined amount of nutrients. It is important to understand the basic principles of diet and nutrition because eating properly has positive affects on our health and functioning . Without the right diet we are at higher risk for harmful diseases , high blood pressure and cancer.

There are five major nutrient groups: proteins, carbohydrate, fats , vitamins and minerals. The scientific name for fats is called macronutrients; vitamins and minerals are called micronutrients. Macronutrients are needed in larger amounts than micronutrients. These groups are very essential for normal growth and health development. Nutritionists recommend that we eat a variety of foods rich in all those essential groups. When we plan meals we should remember to put on our plates vegetable and fruit, meat, fish, grains and cereals and milk products. It is also very important to have a daily menu that is low in cholesterol and fats because the higher the cholesterol level in our body , the bigger our chance to acquire cancer or heart disease. There are two types of fats that we eat. One of them is called saturated and comes from animal and some vegetable products including: meat, eggs, butter, ice cream and palm oil . There other type is called unsaturated fats and comes from vegetable or plant sources. We should consume saturated fat in low amount because this type of fat can raise blood cholesterol.

Each year the average American consumes 150 lbs. of sugar and 566 cans of soft drinks. According to the US Department of Agriculture, that is equal to “ 52 teaspoonfuls of added sugars per person per day”. Those numbers speak for themselves. Junk foods and soft drinks contain dangerous additive chemicals and it is difficult to avoid the contained deadly toxins in our water and food. We have to educate ourselves by reading more about what to eat each day based on the Dietary Guidelines. The government has made it easier for us by creating a nutrient pyramid. It is not a “wonderful” prescription, but helps us to choose a healthful diet that is right for us. The pyramid includes specific recommendations for daily intake of five different food groups and serving sizes, as well as guidelines to use a low intake of fats and sugars. The pyramid contains a variety of foods and at the same time the right amount of calories for our daily diet. Our every day menu should contain plenty of bread, cereals, pasta, rice, vegetables and fruits. It is important to add 2-3 servings from the milk groups and 2-3 servings from the meat groups.

Eating a healthy diet doesn’t mean giving up our favorite foods. For example: pizza can be a healthy food if it’s made the right way. A hand- tossed pizza has less fat than a deep-dish one. Also what we put on the top will make a difference. If we put mushrooms, green peppers and pineapple, we can get fat free pizza. Pepperoni and sausage, however, have a lot of fat. People like to eat fast-food; however, we can choose a sandwich with broiled chicken breast instead of a hamburger or fried fish sandwich or salad instead of French fries and we get good meal.

In general the fresher the food, the better. Packaged foods that contain sodium and salts may cause us to hold fluids in our body and increase our blood pressure. We should reduce processed and prepackaged foods like potato chips and pick healthier snacks like fresh fruit or natural foods. In addition to choosing the right food we should also watch the portions and the time when we eat our meals. Eating even a few more calories every day than we should lead to a weight . To lose weight we need to consume a smaller number of calories than we need.

To maintain a good weight we should talk to a doctor or dietitian about proper diet and exercise. Dietitians recommend losing no more than two pounds per week because when we lose weight to rapidly we can gain more weight easily. Doctors can recommend what type and amount of exercise is right for us. For example walking, jogging, swimming and riding bikes are some of the best choices.

I believe that if we follow all these recommendations and guidelines proposed by nutritionists we can lose weight and live a healthier life. We are very lucky in America. We can buy many kinds of fresh foods year-round. We also have easy access to health clubs and gyms. There are many public places where people can exercise . A good example is our school .Our school provides a wide variety of activities such as a fitness center, swimming pool and basketball court. We have all the tools and possibilities to live healthier.

Food is an important part of cultural and social events. It not only provides nutrition, but a connection between people. Healthy eating may improve mental fitness and overall outlook on life. It may give us energy and make us feel better . Healthy eating can reduce our risk of several diseases including some types of cancer, heart attack and stroke .That is why it’s very important to understand the basic principles of diet and nutrition and to follow the rules that help us in our everyday lives.

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Manimegalai Nadarajah
ESL 91
Fall, 2003

Essay Topic: Explain why it is important to understand the basic principles of diet and    nutrition. How does this understanding help us in our everyday lives?

Diet and nutrition

Breathing and eating are the most important principals for being alive. Plants use the photosynthesis method to make their own food. But animals and humans get their foods from other sources such as plants, seafood and the other animals. The food is very important to be alive because the nutrients which consist of food give us energy for our physical and chemical functions in our inner and outer bodies. Nutrients are categorized into 5 major groups; they are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins. People should understand the important connections between body function, diet and nutrition rather than fill their stomachs with fast food. The knowledge of diet and nutrition is necessary for healthy and happy life.

The body’s physical and chemical functions such as growth, breath, and reproduction require a lot of energy. The diet provides the energy for all those functions. “Diet” is a good and a meaningful word. But many people don’t like using this word when referring to their eating habits because they feel that it is humiliating to be on a diet. Some people like to say that they are on a diet while they starve to keep their body in a skinny condition. But it is an unreasonable statement. Diet means that the food eaten by human gives them the nutrition and the energy to maintain their body in good condition.

The five groups of nutrients are divided into two major groups called macronutrients and micronutrients. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are called macronutrients because our body uses a large amount of this group for physical and chemical activities. Vitamins and minerals are called micronutrients because a very small amount of vitamins and minerals are required for those activities.

Carbohydrates are the main source of the energy. Two kinds of carbohydrates, which are starches and sugars, are normally used by the human body. Starches are found mainly in grains and legumes, and sugars are found mainly in plants and fruits. Body cells use carbohydrates as a form of glucose. When glucose molecules go under a metabolic process they break down into water, carbon dioxide, and energy. One gram of glucose will release 4.1 calories of energy.

Fat is another big source of energy, and it brings vitamin A, D, and E into the circuit. Fatty acid is the basic structure of the fat, and in the metabolic reaction it will release 9 cal/g energy. There are two kinds of fats and they are saturated fat, and unsaturated fat. According to “Anatomy and Physiology” by Saladin, saturated fats which are found in animal fat, contribute more to cardiovascular disease than unsaturated fats, which are can found in nuts, olive oil, and corn oil. Therefore we should consume unsaturated fats rather than saturated fats. Moreover our bodies can synthesize part of the body fat and store it for future use. Some fats are considered as essential because those fats can’t be synthesized by our body, but are important to some functions such as building cell membranes, hormone synthesis and healthy nerve conduction. Therefore we should intake the essential fats to fulfill our needs.

Proteins have more diverse functions than other macronutrients. These include building and repairing tissues, synthesizing hormones which will control the communication between organs, and synthesizing enzymes which will control metabolic pathway, and protection. Proteins are made of amino acids and eight out of twenty amino acids are essential. Therefore we should consume a combination of animal and plant protein to satisfy our needs.

Vitamins and minerals are called micronutrients, because our bodies require a small amount of vitamins and minerals for their functions. Vitamin A, B 12, C, D, E and K are some vitamins, and calcium, potassium, phosphorous and sodium are some of the minerals that we should take in our daily diet. Vegetable and fruits are the main source of the micronutrients. Vitamins participate in the metabolic pathway as a coenzyme to transfer electrons between enzymes. When the vitamins are unavailable, the metabolic pathway will shut down. Minerals constitute about 4% of body mass, with three-quarters of minerals being calcium and phosphorous in bones and teeth. Iron an essential to the blood to carry oxygen all over the body. Therefore the necessity of macronutrients and micronutrients are equal.

The five groups of nutrients are very important. But our bodies use these nutrients in different volumes. According to the article “Nutrition tips and suggestions”(, the ratio of fat, protein and carbohydrate we should take is 1:2:3. This means we should take a small amount of fat, double the amount of proteins and triple the amount of carbohydrates. The dieticians acknowledge that the excess of food or the lack of food will affect the human body functions; not only will our body gain or lose weight but it will bring diseases to our body.

How can we keep our body healthy? According to “Nutrition tips and suggestions”, we have to eat five meals a day, and never skip meals. Moreover it is suggested that fresh food and exercise are also necessary. Nowadays lots of people skip breakfast or lunch, eat frozen or fast food rather than fresh food, and ignore the exercises too. In the modern world people live in a fast and machine-like life which has brought all those troubles into their life. They don’t have time to think about their diet or exercise. Spending some time to organize our daily routine will give us a meaningful life.

The understanding of diet and nutrition is very important. Having the knowledge of nutrition gives us a chance to think about our eating habits, and our body fitness. Proper diet and daily exercise will keep our body in good condition. I think everybody deserves a better life; in order to get that life we should change our eating habits and lifestyle. If we follow the experts’ advice, we can have a healthy body and a happy life.

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Zhiyi, Liu
ESL 91
Fall, 2003

Essay Topic: Explain why it is import to understand the basic principles of diet and nutrition. How does this understanding help us in our everyday lives?

Nutrition and diet

Plants can make food by using sunlight, but we will die without energy from food. Food provides nutrition for the health of the human body. Nutrition is the science of food and how the body uses it in health. Proper nutrition means that you received enough food and supplements for the body to function at optimal capacity. We must understand the basic principles of diet and nutrition because nutrition and diet have an inseparable relationship.

There are five major groups of nutrients used to maintain daily activities and body health; these are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. No one nutrient can completely fulfill the body’s requirements for health. All of the nutrients are necessary in different amounts. They all must be in balance for the body to function properly.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. This energy is mostly used for muscle movement and digestion of food. Carbohydrates have 4.1 calories per gram. The energy in carbohydrates is almost instantly digested. This results in a quick rise in blood sugar, followed by a drop in blood sugar, which is interpreted by the body as a requirement for more sugars. If your body does not have an adequate blood sugar level, your body will stall, such as a car cannot move without enough gas. The result of low blood sugar level may be fatigue, dizziness, nervousness, and headache. Eating a large amount of carbohydrates gives you starches, sugars, and fibers, which are found in grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. Vegetables and fruits should be included in every meal because they are the most nutrient-rich carbohydrates. But vegetables will lose nutrients when overcooked.

Proteins form main parts of the muscle, blood and bone. Proteins have 5.87 calories per gram. Proteins are needed for the formation of all hormones and for helping regulate the body’s water balance. Proteins are found in plants and meats. Some proteins will contain the necessary amino acids. There are 8 amino acids considered essential, which are presented in specific ratio at the same time for your body to use protein.

Fats are the source of energy that is most concentrated. They have 9.3 calories per gram. Fats produce more than twice the amount of energy in carbohydrates and proteins. Fats are stored in the body for use when carbohydrates are in short supply. In addition, fats have a high concentration of energy; fats also act as a carrier for the fat soluble vitamins A, D, and E. Fats help make calcium useful to the body tissues, especially for bones and teeth. Another function of fats is to preserve body temperature and keep us warm. Fats are found in fish, nuts, and plants.

All vitamins are organic food substances that are acquired from animals, plants, vegetables, and living things. Every vitamin is essential to the growth and development of the body. For example, vitamin A, D, and E are needed for health skin and optimal growth. In truth today, many beauty products are made from fruit and vegetables.

There are about 17 minerals that are necessary in human nutrition. They are necessary for proper muscle function and many other biological reactions in the body. The results of a mineral deficiency are illness, which may be treated by the addition of the missing mineral in the diet. Calcium is one of primary minerals, which is available through dairy products. We acquire minerals from protein-rich foods, seeds, grains, nuts. We should limit amounts of salt or salty foods in our diet.

We know the knowledge of the nutrients and their function is essential to understanding the importance of good nutrition. How much you eat, what to eat, when to eat are a science. Unfortunately, most people have many unhealthy eating habits today. They may think that breakfast can raise weight, so they always skip breakfast or just eat a little. In truth, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast will cause low sugar level, and then your body must break down muscle, organ, and bone tissue in order to keep going. Many people do not eat balanced meals or eat too much high-fat food such as ice cream, butter, and fried food; that can cause high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, heart disease and other serious illnesses.

Nutritionists suggest that we eat five balanced meals everyday – breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two small snacks – one in the afternoon and the other one around bedtime. If you do not have time to have breakfast, a low-fat yogurt with a handful of unsalted nuts and a banana is a great choice. Do not skip any meal! Many people do not think about food until they are hungry. But in fact to keep the blood sugar level normal, we have to eat before we become hungry. Try to maintain a ratio of 1:2:3 for fat: proteins: carbohydrates in each meal. Check the label before you eat. Eating too much of one type of food over other can create hormonal imbalance that can cause malnutrition and other diseases. For example, eating more protein will cause high acidity of stomach, which breaks down the system of digestion, having an adverse affect. Eat fresh organic foods, which have more nutrition than commercially grown food. Usually commercially grown food has toxic pesticides, herbicides, and other chemical minutes.

Water is a substance that bathes the cells, removes waste products, and helps biochemical reactions in your cells. Drinking enough water is very important to maintain your health. We need to drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of pure water everyday. We should drink water a minimum of 30 minutes before meals to keep the level of stomach acid consistent and help digestion.

Exercise is also an important part of nutrition. Healthy eating without exercise will not result in good nutrition. Doing exercise daily can burn calories and increase metabolism so that the body’s organs stay in a good condition, especially for people who want to lose weight.

A nutrient rich diet is essential to our health and well-being. We cannot ignore nutrition in any meal. A healthful diet must be a long-term goal in our everyday lives. If you have bad eating habits, change them as soon as possible.

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Marie Michelle Catule
ESL 91
Fall, 2003

Essay Topic: Explain why it is important to understand the basic principles of diet and nutrition. How does this understanding help us in our everyday lives?

Nutrition is the scientific study of how the body uses foods and by which process the body distributes the nutrients. Understanding nutrition is very important in our lives because it allows us to better decide which foods are good for our physical and mental health. People must have nutrition because the body cannot stay healthy without it. Our bodies cannot function properly without good healthy diets that have good nutrients for the body. Good healthy diets help us live longer. In our diet we get energy from food and the body uses that energy to maintain life. There are many different nutrition groups that our body needs to stay healthy. These nutrients play an important role in our bodies and affect our lives.

The five major nutrition groups are carbohydrates, fats, minerals, proteins and vitamins. One may ask why carbohydrates are important. Well, carbohydrates are very important for the body because they provide energy in our diets, and the body uses that energy in the form of glucose. The body cannot function without the use of carbohydrates that contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Carbohydrates have 4.1 calories per gram. People can get carbohydrates from grains, beans, peas, rice, pasta, bread, yogurt, vegetables, cereal and fruit.

Fat is a necessary nutrient because it protects the body. Additionally, fat is the most concentrated source of energy because fats have essential roles in our diet. Also, fats produce more energy than carbohydrates. On one hand, carbohydrates have 4.1 calories per gram and on the other hand, fats have 9.3 calories per gram. As a result, fat is very important in our diet because fat has vitamins A, D, E and K, which are good for the formation of healthy skin. People get fat in fried foods, and some other sources such as bacon, cookies, chocolate, ice cream, margarine, corn, hotdogs, and canola oil. The dangers of a high fat diet are high blood cholesterol and heart disease. A high fat diet can also raise the chances of obesity and cancer.

Protein is very important because of its primary function of building body tissues and synthesizing enzymes. Therefore, people need proteins to grow their muscles. At the same time, there are eight amino acids in protein which are considered essential elements for the body. Proteins have 5.7 calories per gram. People can find protein in meat, fish, egg, tofu, beans, cheese, and milk products.

Minerals are very important for the maintenance of our health because people need minerals for the body structure. In addition, there are some types of minerals that are required for the body such as calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), phosphorous (Ph), potassium (K), and sodium (Na). First, calcium helps our bones and teeth to stay healthy, helps with how the muscles contract, and helps the nerves function. People can find calcium the most in milk, grains and cereals. Second, copper helps to bring our bones together. People can find copper in foods and beverages, including water. When copper enters our bloodstream it is distributed all over the body after we eat and drink. Copper is necessary for good health; however people need to be protected from a higher dose of copper because too much copper can cause harm. It can cause people to have irritated nose, mouth, eyes; it can also cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, and diarrhea. Third, iron helps our body to form the white blood cells, which are needed to fight infection and help the body to heal. We can find iron in nuts, dried fruit, and green vegetables. If the body does not have enough iron it will cause sickness such as Anemia or weakness to infection. Fourth, magnesium keeps our bones and teeth strong. People find it in green vegetables, nuts and legumes. Magnesium is required to build protein and for transmission of nerve impulses. Fifth, phosphorous helps to construct the bones and transfer energy to the cells. We can find phosphorous in fruit and vegetables. Sixth, potassium helps our cells, transmission of nerves impulses, fluid maintenance, cell support, and muscles contraction. Potassium can be found in fruit, legumes, grain and vegetables. When people have deficiency of potassium it can cause dehydration, weakness of the muscles, paralysis and confusion. Finally, sodium is important for cell maintenance and to control the acids in the body. Also sodium is required for the transmission of nerve impulses. If people do not have enough sodium, it can cause muscle pain, mental apathy and loss of appetite.

Vitamins are chemical substances necessary for good health. Vitamin C is good to help scar tissue and to form the bones to grow. Some foods that contain vitamin A are carrots, tomatoes, oranges, celery, strawberries, mango, and apple. Vitamin A gives us good vision to see night and day. People can find vitamin A in wheat, oats, barley, carrots and green vegetables. There are many types of Vitamin B. First, vitamin B1 helps us to break down carbohydrates. It can be found in grains, peas and beans. Second, vitamin B2 helps our bodies control the cause of chemical reaction. People can find vitamin B2 in cabbage and spinach. The causes are when a substance is combined with oxygen and our bodies removed oxygen from that substance. Finally, vitamin B12 helps in the production of proteins, helps the blood formation and is found in fish oils. Vitamin D protects our skin from sunlight. Another vitamin, E, helps us control our reproductive system and people can find vitamin E in green vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds. Also, vitamin K is needed for the blood coagulation. People can find vitamin K in cabbage.

There are two different types of diet. The first one can be a healthy diet and the second one can be a fad diet. A healthy diet consists mostly of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and low fat foods. Fad diets are unhealthy and unbalanced ways for people to lose weight in a short time period. Fad diets can be found in high protein, low carbohydrate diet, grapefruit diet, cabbage soup diet and liquid diets. Fad diets can cause water loss or dieresis, which causes increased urination. It often eliminates the type of food people eat.

The eight essential amino acids in our diet are very important because they support our growth and health. Our bodies need energy for two reasons: to take-over and support any additional activity. As a result, our bodies are constantly active each second in our lives. For instance, the way people comport themselves transports oxygen to every cell, muscle, tissue and organ. Furthermore, for additional activity our bodies need extra energy every time we move. For example, if we become more active and exercise more, we need more energy. Proteins in plant and animal food are recommended in most diets.

There are three important elements that can lead us to some serious illnesses, which named saturated fats, refined sugar, and fiber. Therefore, when people eat too much saturated fat, it increases their chances of getting heart disease. Saturated fat is found in animal foods also in some other type of food such as beans, bread, cereals, oats, pasta, potatoes, rice, vegetables and wheat to provide us a good nutrition. In order for people to reduce their blood cholesterol and other diseases is to reduce the amount of saturated fat in their diets. Refined sugar contains carbohydrate used as a sweetener element that keeps food from going bad in our bodies. There are many different names for refined sugar such as granulated sugar, powdered sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup, dextrose, raw sugar, and malt. If people removed sugar in their diets it can lead them to some symptoms like headaches, chills, and body ache. Fiber helps us prevent constipation, colon cancer, gall bladder disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and overweight. Fiber helps our bodies to control weight when we eat fruits vegetables, grains and beans. Its lower our high blood pressure by helping us to lose weight.

In diet and nutrition, people learn what nutrients are good for their health and also what they need to eat to keep their body healthy. Food is a very important element in our bodies to keep us good health. We need good nutrition in our everyday lives.

In conclusion, people get energy from food we eat. Our bodies need good nutrition to function normally. The important things people need do to keep our bodies healthy are to stop eating too much and start to eat food healthy food. We must have nutrition everyday because without nutrition we can die.

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Leizl Nucup
ESL 91
Fall, 2003

Essay Topic: Research common eating disorders. Find information on Anorexia Nervosa and on Bulimia. What seems to cause these eating disorders? Who is most likely to develop these eating disorders? Compare and contrast the symptoms, consequences, and prognosis for people suffering from each of these eating disorders. How do doctors treat people suffering from eating disorders? Are these treatments usually successful?


According to the text, “Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia” by Loretta Kasper, eating disorders are illnesses that can affect how we eat and how we feel about food. These disorders affect women much more than they do men because mostly women want to have “ideal figure.” There are two main disorders: anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia is an illness that strikes mostly in young women who are obsessed with losing weight to the point of malnutrition and starvation. Some symptoms of anorexia are exercising excessively, starving themselves and low self-esteem. On the other hand, bulimia is also an illness that strikes mostly young women who consume a large amount of food and then throw up or use laxatives to remove the food from the body. Some symptoms of bulimia are regularly going to the bathroom right after meals, teeth damage and kidney damage. People with eating disorders can be treated and treatments can return the body to a normal and healthy shape.

Anorexic people starve themselves by eating very little or nothing at all because they are obsessed with being thin. To stay thin, people with anorexia may diet, fast, or exercise too much. People with this illness may think they are overweight even when they are very skinny. They stay away from food and meals, picking out only a few foods and eating these in small amounts or carefully weighing out food portions to eat. They may also check their body weight a lot. The lack of food can cause a person to become very thin, develop brittle hair and nails, dry skin, and a low pulse rate. They are unable to stand the cold and suffer from constipation and diarrhea. Anorexia can affect a person’s blood count, causing mild anemia, reduced muscle mass, cessation of woman’s menstrual period, and swollen joints. Many people with this disorder have depression, anxiety, and problems with alcohol or drugs. If it isn’t treated, anorexia can cause some health problems such as stomach problems, heart damage and irregular periods or no periods. The most serious problems include death from starvation, heart stopping, and suicide. However, people with anorexia can be treated by talking to the family or individual counseling about their obsession with their body shape and weight. If the person was malnourished or very skinny, he/she may be put in the hospital for some treatment until his/her body returns to normal.

According to the text, “Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia”, Deborah was a teenager when she developed anorexia because she was slightly overweight. When her father jokingly told her to take off some weight, she took him seriously and she began to diet and that led her to become extremely underweight. She was obsessed with being thin and she had unusual eating habits such as weighing and portioning the food. She also exercised excessively. No one could convince Deborah that she was in danger because she thought that she was overweight even when she was very skinny. Finally, her doctor insisted that she needed medical treatment in the hospital.

Bulimic people eat large amounts of food at once and then they force themselves to vomit or use laxatives to rid the food in their body. Like anorexics, people with bulimia have extreme worry about food, and body image. Many bulimic people binge and purge in secret so they can maintain their normal body weight. Some problems caused by bulimia include scarring on the back of fingers from pushing them down the throat to cause vomiting and loss of or change in menstrual periods. If it isn’t treated, bulimia can also cause some health problems such as stomach problems, heart and kidney damage, dental damage and dehydration. People with bulimia can have trouble dealing with and controlling stress, anxiety, clinical depression and other mental illnesses. However, this illness can also be treated by reducing or eliminating binge eating and the purging behavior. Like anorexics, people with bulimia need help from family or individual counseling so they can talk about their eating disorder.

After reading the text, “Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia”, I realized that my cousin, Mary-Ann, suffers from bulimia. She used to eat a large amount of food and then she pushed her fingers down her throat to rid all the food. She regularly went to the bathroom right after meals. She was obsessed with having a slim body. If someone told her that she was gaining weight, she dieted, fasted, exercised too much or used laxatives because she wanted to look sexy to everyone. She became addicted to alcohol and cigarettes. She suffered from anxiety, stress and depression. Her parents found out about her ritual habits so they insisted on putting her in a medical treatment in a hospital. However, she secretly went back to her habits again so her parents asked for individual therapy to talk to her about her disorders. As a result, she realized that she needed to get rid of her conditions. Right now, she is happily married and she has one child.

It’s healthy to watch what we eat and to exercise. But what isn’t healthy is worrying all the time about our body shape and weight and what food to eat. From researching some information about eating disorders, I learned that eating disorders are extremely serious diseases which can lead to death. Deborah and my cousin, Mary-Ann, are some of the people who have suffered from those disorders that harm their body and emotional health. If you think that you have those disorders, you should talk to your family or get individual therapy for your problems so they can give you any advice to get rid of it.

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Zhiyi, Liu
ESL 91
Fall, 2003

Research common eating disorders. Find information on Anorexia Nervosa and on Bulimia. What seems to cause these eating disorders? Who is most likely to develop these eating disorders? Compare and contrast the symptoms, consequences, and prognosis for people suffering from each of these eating disorders. How do doctors treat people suffering from eating disorders? Are these treatments usually successful?

Eating disorder

Eating disorders are illnesses that generally develop abnormal eating behaviors by Loretta F. Kasper, in her text “Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia.” The two most common are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Eating disorders can happen at every age, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and economic background, but they frequently start in teenage women. Anorexia is characterized by people who intentionally starve themselves to lose weight although they are emaciated. People who compulsively purge by self after consuming large amounts of food in short periods characterize bulimia. Eating disorders can cause physical and psychological illnesses and risk for suicide. People with eating disorders must be treated as soon as possible. Sometimes they must be hospitalized. Fortunately, most treatments are successful.

Anorexia nervosa is an extremely dangerous eating disorder. Anorexics have an intense preoccupation with food and body size; they can get attention if they are thin, which may cause compulsive exercising. Individuals with anorexia start normal dieting, and then gradually develop into serious fatal illness. Anorexics usually are 15% - 25% less than normal weight. They do not have enough body fat to keep their organs and other body parts healthy; they have a negative and critical voice from inside that tells them how fat they are while they are looking in the mirror. They generally skip meals and only eat a little low calorie food and compulsively exercise more than normal. They fear gaining a little weight and being “fat”, even they are bone-thin.

Deborah, a rather shy and studious young woman, developed anorexia at 16. She was slightly overweight, but she had an attractive appearance. She began to diet because her father jokingly remarked that she would not get a date if she did not take off some weight. She dropped off pounds until she became extremely underweight and her menstrual periods stopped. She did not believe she was thin. She weighted all what she would eat and exercised compulsively everyday. No one was able to convince Deborah that she was in danger. She must be hospitalized.

Deborah’s case is usual. People with anorexia typically starve themselves. Starvation can cause many physical symptoms such as light-headedness, hair falling out, dry skin, fingernails breaking off, low blood pressure, osteoporosis, heart failure, irregular heart rhythm, damage to kidneys, brain, and digestive system, loss of menstrual periods and inability to have children in women.

Bulimia nervosa is different from anorexia because people with bulimia do not avoid eating. Oppositely, people with bulimia eat large amounts of food in a short time and then rid their bodies of excess calories immediately by self-inducing vomiting, abusing laxatives, diuretics, taking enemas, and exercising obsessively. Some use all of these forms. Patients “binge and purge” from once a week to ten or more times per day. Individuals with bulimia prefer to eat alone. They spend a lot of money on food; hide food in secret places such as the closet, underneath the bed, pocket, or corners of the rooms; hide in the bathroom for a long time after every meal. Unlike patients with anorexia, bulimics can be overweight, underweight or with normal weight. They can hide the problems from people for many years until they raise serious physical illnesses or somebody find out their problems. Bulimia also can result in death if untreated.

People with bulimia usually suffer from constant stomach pain or damage to stomach and kidneys from vomiting. Their teeth become decayed because the acids come up into the mouth while they are vomiting. Women with bulimia may stop menstruation similar to women with anorexia.

Lisa developed bulimia when she started to diet at 18. She dieted and exercised to lose weight, but she needed to eat huge amounts of food to maintain her normal weight. She forced herself to vomit. She felt isolated and lonely and easy to angry, frightened, and depressed. She ate pounds of candy and cake at a time until she was exhausted or in pain when things were not going well, then she made herself vomit. She was guilt and disgust for her eating habits. She attempted suicide. Fortunately, she did not succeed. She got treatments in the hospital.

As Lisa, eating disorders can lead to depression and low self-esteem. Patients with eating disorders may stop many normal activities. Suicide can be a serious effect. Individuals with eating disorders often refuse to eat in front of people or prefer to cook for family and friends because they do not want someone know their problems. Some of them use abuse of alcohol and drugs, and compulsive stealing.

Eating disorders are very common in America; around 5 – 10 million people suffer eating disorders. One in 10 college-age girls have eating disorders; many of them are in high school and even junior high school. They are characterized by very fear of being fat. They may weigh food or count the calories before meals. Also they compulsively exercise.

Experts agree that eating disorders are caused by biological, psychotically, familial, and social factors.

Scientists believed that imbalance of serotonin, which is a chemical transmitter, causes depression and mood swings. Also the chances of developing eating disorders are greater in twins than the other relatives.

In the psychological facts, scientists believed that people with eating disorders may cause by attempting overcome the lives and environment or avoid some problems. Sometimes eating disorders are caused by stresses such as leaving home for college or their parents divorcing.

Some studies have found that mothers have a strong influence on children with eating disorders. If a mother does not like her own body or is too concerned with her daughter’s shape, which can increase the likelihood of the daughters to develop eating disorders.

Social factors are also very important for people prone to develop eating disorders. Many tall, slim, boyish figure “supermodels” and actresses are show on the TV or in fashion magazines; clothes are designed and displayed for thin bodies. They can make girls easily wonder about what beauty really is and that helps to build a distorted image about her body.

Fortunately, people with eating disorders can recover if they are treated early. There are many methods of treating eating disorders such as cognitive behavioral therapy, nutritional counseling, medical treatment, group therapy, psychotherapy and family therapy. Many cases proved that family therapy is one of the successful keys because family members and closely friends can help the patients see that their body shapes are too strong. According to the information from the website,, 60% of anorexics fully recover, 20% of anorexics partially recover, and 20% of anorexics die without any treatment. In addition, 60% of bulimics fully recover, 30% of bulimics partially, and 10% of serious bulimic eventually die without treatment.

We know the eating disorders are serious illnesses. We have to face these problems with positive attitude; people must learn how to love and understand themselves. If you or a friend has an eating disorder, do not wait to get help.

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Manimegalai Nadarajah
ESL 91
Fall, 2003

Research common eating disorders. Find information on Anorexia Nervosa and on Bulimia. What seems to cause these eating disorders? Who is most likely to develop these eating disorders? Compare and contrast the symptoms, consequences, and prognosis for people suffering from each of these eating disorders. How do doctors treat people suffering from eating disorders? Are these treatments usually successful?

Eating disorders

An estimated eight million people in America suffer from eating disorders. The National Institutes of Health characterized eating disorders as a “range of conditions that involved an obsession with food, weight, and appearance to degree that a person’s health, relationship, and daily actives are adversely affected”. Anorexia and bulimia are very common eating disorders which are more likely to occur among women than men. Biological, psychological, and social factors play a role in causing these disorders. These eating disorders are dangerous. They can do great damage to the body, physically and mentally, and can even cause fatal damage if they are left untreated.

According to “Anorexia and Bulimia”, by Paul R. Robbins, Ph.D., anorexia nervosa is a disorder characterized by a large weight loss, a fear of gaining weight, and faulty eating patterns. Anorexia starts with normal dieting and then develops into a serious fatal illness. Anorexics want to please everyone and want to look perfect in everybody’s eyes. They are never satisfied with their body image and feel they are not good enough in their society. These unsatisfied feelings lead them into the next steps which are starving and excessive exercising to lose more weight. The worst stage will cause mental and physical problems. Anorexics are very thin, but they never accept that they are underweight or in danger. In Paul R. Robbins’ book he mentioned a girl named Christy Henrich, who was an athlete and who died from complications of anorexia at the age of twenty-two.

People who have anorexia suffer from mental and physical problems. Their unsteady minds cause depression and anxiety. The starvation causes some physical problems in their bodies. Slowed metabolism, low blood pressure, dry skin, hair loss and loss of menstrual cycle are some of them. There are some methods of treatment which can help treat anorexia. These include medical treatment, individual psychotherapy, group therapy, and family therapy. According to the book “The Unofficial Guide to Managing Eating Disorders”, a woman who has worked her way through the process of recovery mentioned that “you have to find the way that’s best for you; but you can’t recover unless you want to and are willing to do whatever it takes to be better”. From this statement we can see that the recovery is possible, but it all depends on the patients.

Bulimia nervosa is another eating disorder that afflicts more people than anorexia. Unlike anorexia, bulimia is characterized by compulsive overeating that is usually followed by self induced vomiting or laxatives. People who have bulimia can hide their problems for a long time, sometimes 2 to 3 years. Their appearance doesn’t show signs like anorexics because bulimics maintain normal weight or are slightly over weight. Their uncontrolled eating and the way they get rid of the food leads them to feel guilty and depressed. Their purging habit damages their digestive system. The tissues of the throat and esophagus and teeth are affected by purging. Moreover they also have swelling of saliva glands, kidney problems, and bone density problems. These bulimics sometimes attempt to suicide too. They can be treated with drugs and therapies like anorexics, but again the results of recovery depend on the patients’ cooperation.

The Anorexia / Bulimia Association declared that 20% of young women are affected by these disorders and this percentage is speeding up every day. The causes of these disorders are characterized into biological, psychological, and social factors.

In terms of biological factors, scientists discovered that the imbalance of Serotonin, which is a chemical neurotransmitter, causes the depression and the mood swings. Additionally the chances of developing these disorders are greater in twins than the other relatives.

In terms of psychological factors, anorexics and bulimics are very sensitive; they have trouble expressing their feelings. They want to please everyone, and want to be perfect in their society. The expectations from their families and friends give them too much pressure. When they fail to fulfill the other’s expectations, they feel stress and depression. Their low self-esteem and emotions lead them into these very serious conditions.

In terms of social factors, American culture insists that all of us, especially women, should be slender, and the mass media supports that message by choosing slim and tall women as models. Women and teenagers are attracted by those models and one day they want to be one of them. This attraction and peer group influence leads them into a wrong decision which is losing weight in order to become thin. They use all the methods such as dieting, starving, exercising and purging to become like the models and end up being a victim of these disorders.  

Eating disorders are very severe illnesses and sometimes they are fatal too. I wonder why people who have anorexia and bulimia can’t just stop their habits. Can’t they see what they are doing to themselves? The answers to those questions are “NO”; they can’t stop or see clearly what is happening to them. Therefore, families and friends must step into their lives and try to help them. Their insecure minds might not accept our help, but we should persuade them to seek professional help. The diagnosis of those symptoms in the early stage will help anorexics and bulimics to recover more quickly. So we all should open our eyes and minds in order to help the people who need help in their lives.  

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Marie Michelle Catule
ESL 91
Fall, 2003

Essay Topic: Research common eating disorders. Find information on Anorexia Nervosa and on Bulimia. What seems to cause these eating disorders? Who is most likely to develop these eating disorders? Compare and contrast the symptoms, consequences, and prognosis for people suffering from each of these eating disorders. How do doctors treat people suffering from eating disorders? Are these treatments usually successful?

Eating disorders are illnesses that gradually lead to abnormal eating habits. There are two types of eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia and bulimia are two illnesses that usually start in teenage women who see themselves as overweight and want to control their body by losing weight. On the one hand, people who suffer with anorexia usually starve themselves to lose weight. On the other hand, people who suffer with bulimia usually eat too much food and rid their body of that food by forcing themselves to vomit. People who suffer those illnesses start to develop some serious symptoms; as a result, those who suffer must be hospitalized.

Anorexia is an illness where people think that they are too fat even though they are very thin. People with anorexia starve themselves to lose a lot of weight, and they are terrified of gaining weight. Anorexia is an eating disorder which causes lots of body damage by destroying people’s physical and mental health. Anorexic women stop having their menstrual period; they also develop dry skin, thinning hair, and low self-esteem. People who are suffering with anorexia usually get sick very often and are often in a bad mood. People with anorexia starve themselves to death, but are always thinking about food. It is very difficult to find treatment for people who suffer with anorexia because they think there is nothing wrong with them, but for them to be successful they need family and friends to support them.

The text, “Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia” written by Loretta Kasper, talks about a young woman who suffered with anorexia; her name was Deborah. At the age of 16, Deborah developed anorexia. There are two reasons why Deborah suffered from this eating disorder. First, she wanted the boys to be interested in her and second, her father told her that if she did not lose some weight, boys would not date her. At that point, she dieted so seriously that she became extremely underweight. At the same time, Deborah was losing lots of weight and then her menstrual stopped. Her problem became more serious because she never stopped dieting or exercising. Deborah’s life was in danger but she would not stop starving herself or listen to anybody is opinion. Finally, her doctor insisted that she needed a treatment in the hospital.

Bulimia is an eating disorder where people eat a lot of food and then try to get rid of it by vomiting. Bulimia is a serious illness that can lead to depression, isolation, and low self-esteem. The symptoms of bulimia are fear of being fat, not wanting to eat in public, hiding foods under the bed, developing headaches and dizziness. The treatments for bulimia are restoration the person’s body to a healthy body weight, start decreasing their eating habits, establishing a healthy way to exercise, also includes medical treatment in a hospital, group therapy, family therapy, individual psychotherapy, and nutrition counseling.

The text, “Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia” by Loretta Kasper, talks about a young woman who suffered with bulimia; her name was Lisa. At the age of 18, Lisa developed bulimia. Lisa ate large amounts of food and then forced herself to vomit. She started dieting and exercising to lose weight. Lisa did not see herself as having an eating problem because she wanted her body to look good. Sometimes she felt lonely and isolated. Her eating habits were terrible but she kept them to herself until she was depressed. She went to the hospital to get better care and she also met other people who suffered with bulimia. When she arrived at the hospital there were some professional who was helping her to solve her eating disorder problem.

In conclusion, anorexia and bulimia are two dangerous illnesses that affect people’s lives. Deborah and Lisa were two people who suffered from anorexia and bulimia. The difference between anorexia and bulimia are people with anorexia suffer from starvation and people with bulimia eat too much and then throw up after they eat. People with bulimia do not lose more weight than people with anorexia.

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Dorota Dunleavy
ESL 91
Fall, 2003

Essay Topic: Research common eating disorders. Find information on Anorexia Nervosa and on Bulimia. What seems to cause these eating disorders? Who is most likely to develop these eating disorders? Compare and contrast the symptoms, consequences, and prognosis for people suffering from each of these eating disorders. How do doctors treat people suffering from eating disorders? Are these treatments usually successful?

According to the reading, “Eating Disorder” in Interdisciplinary English, eating disorders are illnesses that gradually develop by abnormal eating habits. The two common types are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. People with anorexia starve themselves because they are obsessed with being thin. People with bulimia eat huge amounts of food, but they throw up soon after eating, or take laxatives or diuretics ( water pills) to keep from gaining weight. Both these illnesses mostly afflict young women. Only 10 percent of anorexics and bulimics are men. The primary treatment for these eating disorders often combines psychotherapy, physical therapy, antidepressants and nutritional consoling. 

People with anorexia come to believe that their live would be better if only they were thinner. Usually they are good students. They want everything in their lives to be perfect. They are obsessed with being thin, and intentionally starve themselves; for although they are extremely thin, they are convinced that they are overweight. The causes of anorexia nervosa are not known. People with anorexia may believe that to be slim makes them happier an more successful. Social pressure plays a important role. Being thin means being beautiful and being fat is unattractive. Young girls get these images from TV and advertisements. Many adolescent girls want look like super models and movie stars. For some teenagers to a super model and to look like the cover girls on the magazines is a goal. They do everything to get the ideal figure even to go as far as starving themselves, and consequently the get very ill.

Psychological factors are also a important cause. Young people very often want to prove to others that they have a strong personality. Some girls take comments about their weight too seriously and begin to diet. An example of this can be seen in Deborah’s case from the Interdisciplinary English book. She was a teenage girl who was a little overweight. Her father jokingly passed remarks that “she would never get a date if she didn’t take off some weight’’. Deborah took this criticism as a challenge and she started dieting. Soon after her pounds started dropping off Deborah’s menstrual period stopped. She became obsessed with dieting and food and soon developed anorexia. She was extremely underweight , but in her mind she was still too fat, so she exercised compulsively, even after she became very thin. She didn’t want to listen to anybody who approached this problem. In addition she had to be hospitalized for treatment of her illness. In the hospital she still forced herself to do exercise and simply didn’t want to face the fact that her condition was in danger. Deborah’s case is not unusual. People with anorexia think that they are overweight even if they are bon-thin.

Another very serious eating disorder is bulimia. People with bulimia eat large amounts of food in a short time, which is called a binge. Then they purge, or make themselves vomit or use diet pills, laxatives, or diuretics to keep all that food from making them gain weight. Because binge eating and purging are practiced in secret, bulimics maintain normal or above normal body weight so they can hide their problems for many years. Bulimia starts innocuously as an attempt to control weight, but quickly can become a ruinous process that cannot be controlled.

Bulimia, like anorexia, typically begins during adolescence. The causes of bulimia are a complex of factors which can include emotional and personality disorders, family stress and a culture that is obsessed with body image and thinness. Many young people cannot handle the high expectations from their parents, family or peers, who see them as a perfect children. Bulimics may have problem with self-esteem and often suffer from depression. They see binge eating as a way to cope with their unhappiness. For example, a person was very successful in the past, but now she is failing. She develops depression. She thinks that she is hopeless and not worthy. For some people this can be a reason good enough to start to eat more than they should. They consume huge quantities of food, often with high calories, or smooth soft foods like ice cream, cake, and pastry. Afterwards they feel guilty and depressed, and then they make themselves vomit . Binge eating and purging soon can control their lives.

Although anorexia and bulimia are similar, they also are very different in certain ways. Anorexics usually deny their problem to themselves and others. Bulinics however deny their problem to others, but realize to themselves that their eating behaviors are abnormal Anorexics usually are at least 15% below the average body weight, where bulimics can be underweight, “ normal “ weight, or overweight. The goal of the anorexic is to lose more weight, where the goal of the bulimic is to achieve an ideal weight or shape. People who suffer anorexia may lose hair from their head. The skin becomes very dry. Bulimics on the other hand suffer tooth decay and gum disease from frequent vomiting. Vomiting also depletes the water and potassium in bodily tissues causing abnormal heart rhythms and kidney problems.

People who develop anorexia and bulimia need professional help. Treatment for both disorders is difficult because at first sufferers have to recognize their own problem and then let other people know about it. Patients in the early stages of eating disorders may be successfully treated without hospitalization. But for successful treatment, the patients must want to change and must have family and friends to help them.

People with more serious anorexia need care in the hospital . Treatment involves not only changing the person’s eating habits, but also changing the feelings that are causing their eating problems. These feelings may be about their weight, their family problems or their problems with self-esteem. In some cases medicines ( that make them feel less depressed) are recommended. These are prescribed by doctors and are used along with counseling.

The primary treatment for bulimia often combines psychotherapy, antidepressants and nutritional counseling. In bulimia the goal is to get back a regular pattern of eating. Sufferers should maintain a steady amount of food in the 3 meals a day without vomiting.

Psychotherapy treatment is also very important. Individual or group psychotherapy should focus on underlying emotional experiences and relationships that caused bulimia. Also behavior and cognitive therapies often are prescribed. Behavior therapy focuses on altering habits (like binging and purging). Cognitive therapy focuses on habitual behavior; its goal is searching the negative thoughts that underlie destructive habits. Patients would see that not everything they do or every relationship they have is affected by their body shape. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help sufferers to learn how to adopt a healthier way of thinking and dealing with food.

In today’s world many people, especially young women fear becoming fat. Therefore , eating disorders have become a common problem in the society. Our health is affected by our daily diet, so balancing our diet is important. Also psychological well being is important to our health. We should eat what our bodies need. Beauty means being healthy not thin.

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Page last updated on November 18, 2003