1. An anorexic will not eat; they starve themselves. However, a bulimic eats huge quantities of food, binges, and then gets rid of that food by purging.

  2. The person tries to lose weight. However, they then become convinced that they can overeat and not gain weight if they purge the food. The binge/purge cycle continues and may lead to feelings of depression and loss of control. The binge/purge cycle takes over the person's life.

  3. Three physical effects associated with bulimia are (choose any three):
    1. Tooth damage resulting from frequent vomiting
    2. Damage to the throat and esophagus
    3. Kidney problems
    4. Seizures
    5. Loss of electrolytes
    6. Possible cardiac problems.

  4. It is difficult to detect bulimia in a friend or relative because bulimics often stay at a normal or slightly higher than normal body weight.

  5. Psychological effects from bulimia may be clinical depression, addictions, compulsive stealing, anxiety, and OCD.

  6. Biological, psychological, and social factors all play a part in eating disorders. Biologically, people who develop eating disorders may have an inherited predisposition to do so. Many bulimics have relatives who suffer from clinical depression and alcoholism. Psychologically, eating disorders may develop out of an attempt to gain control over the events of one's life. They may also be an attempt to avoid maturing emotionally and physically. People with eating disorders tend to have low self-esteem. Socially, our culture emphasizes being thin. As a result teenagers often become preoccupied with dieting, leading to eating disorders.

  7. No, an individual with an eating disorder needs medical and psychological help to get better. A person with an eating disorder must first admit that s/he has a problem.

  8. ANSWERS TO THE SUMMARY QUESTION WILL VARY. The main idea of the text is that bulimia is an eating disorder that is characterized by binging and purging. Although bulimia may start out as an innocent attempt to lose weight, the disease gets out of control and can cause very serious physical and mental problems.

Page last updated on November 19, 2001