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Project Design:
Current state of research. Since the Spring, 1997 semester,
I have taught high intermediate level ESL linked with the mainstream course,
"Introduction to the Internet." As part of the coursework, my students learned
to use the Internet to gather information both on content areas covered in
class and on those of their own choosing. During the Spring, 1997 semester,
my ESL students were involved in an e-mail partnership in which they corresponded via the Internet on a weekly basis with students at Beitberl University in
Israel. Although that partnership did not involve a collaborative focus
discipline research project, as proposed here, it did provide me with insights
into some of the problems inherent in setting up and conducting intercultural
exchanges via the Internet. During the Fall and Spring, 1998 semesters, my
ESL students conducted focus discipline research using the Internet as a
resource for gathering information, which they then shared with classmates
who were studying the same focus discipline. Students in this course produced
three progressive written reports and a research project in which they discussed
and analyzed salient issues in the discipline under study (see Activities).
Timetable for grant research. In Spring, 1999, prior to the
start of this grant, I used Internet resources to locate a partner class
of college level students in another part of the country/world. The instructor
of this class was willing to coordinate course activities with me by
implementing sustained content study, focus discipline research, and Internet
collaboration into his/her course.
The grant began in Summer, 1999, and the summer was used to plan,
develop, and coordinate activities with the partner teacher (see Partners
). I spent significant amounts of time engaged in online communication with this partner
teacher. This communication involved choosing texts, discussing and designing
possible focus discipline projects in each of the content areas to be covered
in the course, setting up a schedule of assignments, and agreeing upon and
developing means of assessing student progress.
The content-based intercultural exchange begins in Fall, 1999. Students from Canisius College in Buffalo, New York, Georgia Perimeter College in Atlanta, Georgia, and Kiev State Linguistic University, in Kiev, Russia will be working with my students at Kingsborough Community College in Brooklyn, New York. Students
will choose a focus discipline during the first week of the semester. They
will work collaboratively with students in the partner class on projects
agreed upon in advance by the instructors. As the semester progresses, time
will be needed to monitor student progress and to make adjustments and
modifications as necessary in course activities in the event that technological
problems arise. Insights gained during the Fall, 1999 semester will be used
to improve the collaborative intercultural exchange as it is implemented
in the Spring, 2000 with students from a new ESL partner class at Broward Community College in Davie, Florida.