Liana |
Nadia |
Xiao |
Nabil |
Mari-Liis |
Olesya |
Faisal |
Liana Mailova
Spring, 2002
Essay Topic: Imagine that it is the year 2050. Although governments and their citizens were warned about the dangers of the greenhouse effect as early as the 1970's, they did not take the necessary steps to prevent it from worsening. As a result, global warming and ozone depletion continued unchecked. In a well-organized essay, describe what life would be like in the year 2050 under these conditions. What would be the state of the climate? What would the nations of the world look like? What would be the day-to-day living conditions of the people of the world?
Death By Fire
The twentieth century was the century of a huge scientific- technical revolution and progress in whole spaces of industry and life. It was the century that created the nuclear and hydrogen bombs, pushed planes and spaceships, and computerized all developed civilization. It was the century when life was improved, elaborated, and made more and more modern. In spite of so much progress and as a result of people’s actions, new problems were born. Scientists considered global warming, or the greenhouse effect, to be one of the most serious problems in the modern world. Global warming means there is gradually increasing temperature on the earth, and consequently climate changing. These changes happened so fast that governments and their citizens were warmed about the dangers of the greenhouse effect. If they don’t take the necessary steps to prevent the climate from worsening, who knows what life would be like in the year 2050 under these conditions?
The earth is covered by a gaseous blanket, the atmosphere. The atmosphere lets the sun’s warming rays through and blocks the heat trying to get out. This heat is absorbed by the earth and atmosphere. This act causes the greenhouse or heat effect. As a result of the greenhouse effect, the temperature will gradually increase 2 to 6 C (4 to 11 F) over the next 100 years. The coldest years in the 1980s were warmer then warmest years of 1880s.
As a result of global warming the ozone depletion continues. Three main gases, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone cause the heating, or greenhouse effect. Their concentration and interaction is in a stable balance in the atmosphere. The atmosphere contains the Ozone layer, which is like an umbrella of the Earth. Ozone is a form of oxygen, created when ultraviolet radiation from the sun meets oxygen in the atmosphere. The Ozone layer absorbs the most of the dangerous ultraviolet radiation that comes from the sun.
Global warming is the result of human actions. The atmosphere is changing, and the ozone layer is under the threat from chemicals that people use on the earth. The amount of using fossil fuels, such as oil, gas, coal, and deforestation produces carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is also produced from car and airplane emissions and from using computers and cell phones. Chlorofluorocarbons are guilty chemicals contained in aerosol cans, refrigerators, air-condition systems, some packaging materials. 98% of gases are caused naturally animals and plants letting out methane.
Unfortunately, pollutants and chemicals can destroy ozone and break the balance in the atmosphere. These pollutants and chemicals, as a result of people’s action are divided into three main gases: carbon dioxide, methane and ozone. All of them contain dangerous chlorine chemicals, which are released after man- made pollution. These chemicals reach the ozone layer, where they interact with ultraviolet radiation. Chlorine is a result of this interaction. It is a dangerous chemical, which destroys ozone. Chlorine goes up to the atmosphere, reaches the Ozone layer and starts to react with the molecules of ozone. Chlorine destroys Ozone, but by itself remains unchanged, and it continues to destroy ozone over and over, and destroys the balance in the atmosphere. When it happens, the ozone layer is depleted. The amount of dangerous ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth may increase. This causes an increase in diseases, such as skin cancer, eye disease.
Ultraviolet radiation also damages plants, crops, and trees, which are the basis of the food chain supply on the land. Also, ultraviolet radiation is dangerous for plankton, which are the basic food for the marine creatures.
The global warming increases temperature on the earth and causes the glaciers to melt, consequently, increasing water levels in the sea, flooding costal cities. Furthermore, if the seas overflow, they may contaminate fresh drinking water, and we may lack enough supply of drinking water for the future. The global warming also causes sea temperature to rise, killing sea creatures, on one hand, and bringing drought and massive fires, on the other hand. It causes starvation of people and animals. The disappearance of plants and forests causes increasing coastal erosion and massive tropical storms. Salt intrusion into soil has affected our traditional food crops. This increasing temperature may send the planet back into an ice age. It becomes possible, when the water from the melting glaciers dilute the salt of the sea, causing more snowfall. Snowfall deflects the sun’s heat back into space, causing the planet to cool substantially.
The threat of global warming has the potential to damage the web of life more than anything, except nuclear war. Large agreements have been sign by developed countries during the last century. They called for countries to reduce, phase out, transition air and water pollution, which produce greenhouse gases and lead to the destruction of the ozone layer. These agreements call for mobilized financial resources to help countries to realize their obligations.
Governments can permanently reach possible solutions, such as population control, alternative energy or transportation, recycling, having less factories and more plants, using the solar and wind energy instead of the fossil fuels, raising the price of gas and cigarettes.
However, a change in one problem causes a new problem, which is linked with a big financial outlay and with people not wanting to lose comfort. As a result, global warming and ozone depletion may continue unchecked and cause big changes in the whole earth.
In my imagination, the future will be different from the present time. As a result of global warming, glaciers will gradually melt. This fact will cause massive flooding of coastal cities, where the main political and economical centers of many countries are located. The governments of countries work in these main cities. Also, there concentrate a large population of people. Factories and the most important branches of industry are also located in these cities. If, as a result of flooding, these cities are destroyed and fall down under the water, consequently a large population of people will die, and the function of governments and industries will be crushed. It can lead to the end of many countries and civilizations.
During the temperature increasing massive selection will be started. All live creatures in the sea, and on the land, including people will fight for being. As a result of climate changes, the condition of live organisms will change and this will start a tremendous process of adaptation. The weaker organisms will die, and strong ones will change and accommodate to the new climate.
Animals, fish, plants and crops that need a cold climate will die first. Among the animals, seals, white bears, and penguins will become extinct. Among the herbs and plants citruses and spruce will become extinct. Earth will be covered by tropical forests and plants or desert cactuses and chaparrals.
In my imagination the population of people in a hot and wet climate will have dark skin, a big pigment concentration, which will save them from the sun’s increasing influence. Also, they will have a dark eye color, again, with pigment concentration. These pigments will save people from skin cancer, eye disease.
Climate change will change people’s life conditions and behavior. People won’t use modern comforts and will turn back from civilization to a primitive life, to hunting and gathering.
The global warming, as a result of man- made pollution, will increase not only temperature, but will change all life conditions. Permanent flooding, droughts, contamination of fresh drinking water, fires, and storms will destroy plants crops and cause massive deforestation. The main basis of the food supply will be crushed. It will cause the death of animals, birds, insects, and people too. Forests produce and supply the earth with oxygen. Any changes in this area will cause big changes in the life of many organisms. Furthermore, these changes will cause subsequent ozone layer depletion, increasing ultraviolet radiation, which will come to the earth. As a result of this increase in temperature and radiation, disease and gradually death in all human organisms will increase. If governments and their citizens don’t take the necessary steps to prevent the climate from worsening, nobody knows what life will be like in the year 2050 under this condition.
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Nadia Manuylidi
Spring, 2002
Essay Topic: Imagine that it is the year 2050. Although government and their citizens were warned about the dangers of the greenhouse effect as early as the 1970’s, they did not take the necessary steps to prevent it from worsening. As a result, global warming and ozone depletion continued unchecked. In a well-organized essay, describe what life would be like in 2050 under these conditions. What would be the state of the climate? What would the nations of the world look like? What would be the day-to-day living conditions of the people of the world?
Hello my dear Lana!
It seems like a hundred years ago when we last made contact. Oh well, there is nothing wrong with that. You moved to Mars and I stayed on Earth. You searched for the new goals and opportunities in life, and I’m glad it worked out well. I’ve decided to stay here on Earth because it’s my home and I want to be here until the last minute. But who knows what will happen next? Like in the late 1990’s-early 2000’s nobody would ever image that the chlorophyll scientists found on Mars would give an opportunity to start a new life there… The same as nobody would imagine what Earth would like be in 2050 because of global warming. And today global warming has affected everything.
All right it’s time to stop being sentimental and get back to reality. What is it now, 35-40 years since you left for Mars? Well, it doesn’t really matter, because you can’t even imagine what it’s like to live here right now. You must remember how people didn’t pay any attention to warnings about global warming; how they ignored every fact about it. Besides, you have some channels from Earth out there, and I think you’re watching them. But what you see on television has nothing to do with reality. In real life it is hundreds of times worse. I mean that if you want to understand something television does not give you a full picture and you cannot get the real problem.
Since you left the Earth, it has had so many different changes. A lot of places have been changed completely. Some animals do not exist any more, and people have changed as well. Do you remember how important New York City was in the world’s economy? Well, nobody lives there anymore because half of the city is under water. You must know that (when you lived here) Antarctica had 80% of the drinking water on the Earth. Now, because of global warming, the Antarctic ice has melted. And right now, so far, it melted by half; only 40% of water is still there. One more thing: back in the year 2000, the temperature in Antarctica was -43 °F, now in the year 2050 the temperature is only -20 °F. Because of all the melted ice, the ocean level has increased by 70 cm.
Every coastal city has lost its citizens. Many small islands are under water. Do you remember Hawaii? The government closed the islands back in the 30’s. Japan, Italy, Norway and a couple of other countries do not exist anymore. I mean, there are still some people there, but they have no economy; they don’t trade with others. They only get help if they need it…
Oh, do you remember those beautiful tropical forests in South America and Africa? They are gone; there are now only dead trees and plants out there. A lot of tropical animals have died… And Siberian tigers, do you remember how gorgeous they were? Every one of them is dead. Sad, very sad-but this is the reality… And they died because Siberia became much warmer than it used to be. Some animals died, but the government found the solution for this problem by sending some animals and northern people to the Antarctica. And these animals and people live there right now, and it seems to work out well. However the radiation in Antarctica is very high and everyone is waiting to see what's going to happen next because of radiation.
They are actually thinking of starting to clone people and wild animals because with today’s tendency of death, in one hundred years more almost nobody is going to live on planet Earth. As you remember, people knew about cloning even in the late 20th century. Since then there have been a lot of mistakes and experiments with different technologies. But now people have finally found the best way for doing cloning. And our government uses it a lot in the agricultural sphere to clone cows, sheep, pigs, chicken, etc. But just like it was in year 2000, today we have different oppositions and opinions about cloning. And one of our strongest oppositions says that cloning people is against human rights. And that wild life is changing enough without the involvement of government. So, because of these arguments our government still is not cloning people and wild animals. But who knows what’s going to happen next?
Many animals have become mutants, so they could live a new life in a new-changing world. Every year there are some new animals that scientists have found all over the world. Most of them are in the water. As you know radiation kills the plankton, so after a while almost every fish that ate it has died. There still some fish in the ocean, but not as many as there used to be. And the ocean also is not as salty as it once was. There have been so many changes that I can't even remember all of them. In oceans, rivers, and lakes, people find some fish that we cannot even use for food because these fish are polluted and mutant… I think you’ve heard that scientists found a space kind of bacteria in earth water. So, some fish use it for food just like they used to do with plankton. And I don't know how they do it, but scientists say that these fish use the same system that their ancestors used.
People moved north; there almost nobody lives in Africa and South America any more. A lot of people now live in Alaska, Siberia, and some have moved to Greenland. And Greenland became much warmer; if back in the year 2000 the average temperature in July was only 50 °F, then now the average temperature is 75 °F. Also a lot of plants have grown up in the past 50 years. Just as there have been some changes in the animal world, there have also been some changes in the plant world. As I told you that rain forest plants have died, I can tell you that new plants have grown. And like in Antarctica when there were no plants, now you can see a beautiful taiga in the springtime...
You know, people adapt to every new change Earth has for us. It’s like the world we live in didn’t change, and it was like this forever. Everything goes so smoothly, sometimes you even hardly notice it. Remember how many blond people lived before? Right now you can see more and more people with dark hair and dark skin. I don't want to tell you that everyone looks like he is an African; there are a lot of people who look Hispanic or Caucasian. But, almost no naturally blond people live on Earth today. And if back in the 2000's people went to tanning salons to look dark, right now people go to these salons to look lighter. It's a special type of tanning salons, when people take this procedure they get whiter.
Well, it’s time now to get in bed. I hope you understood everything I meant here. I know it’s hard, but at least try to do so. Earth is changing; life on Earth is changing as well. People and animals are adapting to this new life, and life is going on forever.
Sensitively yours,
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Xiao Lan
ESL 91
Spring, 2002
Essay Topic: Imagine that it is the year 2050. Although government and their citizens were warned about the dangers of the greenhouse effect as early as the 1970’s, they did not take the necessary steps to prevent it from worsening. As a result, global warming and ozone depletion continued unchecked. In a well-organized essay, describe what life would be like in 2050 under these conditions. What would be the state of the climate? What would the nations of the world look like? What would be the day-to-day living conditions of the people of the world?
It is the year 2050. This is not a good year for us. Life has become difficult and terrible. The whole world has changed. The weather has changed. The humankind has changed. We have come a long way since 2002, but we took the wrong steps. Because of the greenhouse effect, which had been ignored by the heads of nations since the early 70’s, we are now suffering and paying the price.
Due to the greenhouse effect, the rise of temperature caused dramatic climatic changes. The warmer temperature caused the polar ice-caps to melt, thus increasing the water-level around the world. Cities, like New York City and Miami, located near the coastal areas have been flooded. Thousands of people have been killed because they were not able to be evacuated in time. These cities have been submerged under water ever since. Properties and lives were lost forever.
Some plant and animal species were driven into extinction. The warmer climate also disrupted the agricultural regions. The frequency of hurricanes and droughts also increased.
In America, people who used to live around the coastal areas have retreated into the inner higher regions. The once famous buildings were either destroyed, submerged, or abandoned. The people have started their lives all over again. This phenomenon repeats itself in other nations as well. The nations have shrunk in size on maps and in reality. America has been reduced into half the size it was in 2002. Because of the disaster, more people have started to migrate to live in higher and higher altitudes. Places, like Colorado, that once were less populated have now become favorable places to live.
Life has changed as well. There are no more beaches for us. The coastlines are made up of buildings, highways, or mountains. There is no more visiting historic places. The higher temperatures and flooding affect the production of agricultural products. We have less to choose and more to pay. Winter is not winter anymore. There is no more snow around the world. Summer has become sizzling hot!
Animals and humans likewise have been influenced by the environmental changes. Most of us have become sick. In any case, life has become harsh and difficult. But we have survived.
It is still the year 2050. We cannot keep on looking back. Listen to me, young people. We have realized the adverse consequences of ignoring our environment for such a long time. We have paid the price, and it is a heavy one. We have learned the lesson very well and very painfully. We will not forget what we have wronged. We will start conserving energy and protecting the environment. For if we do not, we will be extinct.
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Nabil Shahzad
ESL 91
Spring, 2002
Essay Topic: Imagine that it is the year 2050. Although government and their citizens were warned about the dangers of the greenhouse effect as early as the 1970's, they did not take the necessary steps to prevent it from worsening. As a result, global warming and ozone depletion continued unchecked. In a well-organized essay, describe what life would be like in 2050 under these conditions. What would be the state of the climate? What would the nations of the world look like? What would be the day-to-day living conditions of the people of the world?
What is the greenhouse effect and what can it do to our planet? The greenhouse effect is the term used to describe the role the atmosphere plays in helping to warm our planet's surface. The big problem we are suffering from today is the greenhouse effect in 2050, because in the early 1970's, the government did not take the necessary step to prevent it from worsening. They had to think about how to stop the greenhouse effect gases which were destroying the planet not just think about the advanced technology and the economy. Today the same advanced technology is killing people from the greenhouse effect because of the air pollution, the rising temperature of the earth every day and the ultraviolet radiation. These are the some of the major causes of people dying and getting various kinds of diseases.
The ultraviolet radiation is because the ozone layer has a hole in it. Ultraviolet radiation causes a lot of damage to humans and other natural things. Because of the ultraviolet radiation people are suffering from skin cancer and eye diseases. Ultraviolet radiation is also killing trees and the food chains. Humans and also the animals are starving to death because of less food. So I think we have to really think about the greenhouse effect because it's destroying us and our planet. In fact we are the people who created this problem for ourselves because we just think about our technology and economy, but not our planet where we live.
We are also facing another big problem from the global warming: the temperature of our planet is going up. This is helping to melt the polar ice caps and the glaciers and because of that now the sea levels are high er by 1-2 inches worldwide. As a result of this sometimes we have to face very dangerous floods which destroy our plants, crops, trees, and even our houses. After these big floods, people don't have anything to eat because of the lack of food. The climate of our planet is getting worse and worse each day. But people still don't understand that the greenhouse gases are causing all these problems, and people keep making the air polluted and do not care about the control of the population. Because of this the temperature is increasing every day. If we do not stop this then we are going to destroy our planet by our own hands from the greenhouse effect gases.
In conclusion, we really have to think about how we can save our planet from the greenhouse effect gases which lead to human destruction, food destruction, and also to the animal destruction. We really have to take this problem very seriously, not like the early 1970's government took it. In my opinion, the whole world has to work like a big community to solve this problem. Otherwise the greenhouse effect problem can easily destroy our planet. If we want to control global warming, then we have to decrease the air pollution and technology which cause this problem. I know it is very hard today to take things back from the people that they are used to, but still we have to decrease our technology. Although decreasing technology might make our economy go down, what are we going to do with the money and technology if we do not have our home?
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Mari-Liis Oroperv
Spring, 2002
Essay Topic: Imagine that it is the year 2050. Although government and their citizens were warned about the dangers of the greenhouse effect as early as the 1970's, they did not take the necessary steps to prevent it from worsening. As a result, global warming and ozone depletion continued unchecked. In a well-organized essay, describe what life would be like in 2050 under these conditions. What would be the state of the climate? What would the nations of the world look like? What would be the day-to-day living conditions of the people of the world?
The year is 2050, the end of the January and it is supposed to be one of the coldest months (at least it was in the beginning of this century), but our thermometers show over 80 F in wintertime. The temperature has been rising all these years. Intolerable heat has killed millions of people, plants and animals. It all has happened because the government and the citizens ignored the heating problem in the past.
The atmosphere lets the sun’s warming rays through; then the pollution blocks the heat without letting it go back. This act causes a temperature increase. The gases like, methane and carbon dioxide cause the heating. Our summers are so hot that millions of people are "burning in the fire." In this year 2.5 million people died in India, and people are dying all around the world because the heat is killing them.
The atmosphere contains the ozone layer, which protects us from the ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The chemicals, like oil, gas and coal, and deforestation produce carbon dioxide, which destroys the ozone layer. The amount of ultraviolet radiation is so huge that it makes more people die. Every year people get more cancer and eye diseases such as cataracts. Statistics show that last year at least 9,000,000 people died of skin cancer and that number increases year by year.
Ultraviolet radiation also damages plants and trees, which are the basis of the food supply and which help to produce necessary oxygen for us. Ultraviolet radiation killed plankton, which was the basic food for the sea creatures. They couldn’t get the food so they died, and we lost one of the important foods supplies again.
Back in the last century the governments and their citizens were warned about the dangers of the greenhouse effect. Knowing the dangers of the climate changes, they still didn’t take necessary steps to treat the pollution. Fifty years ago when the governments of the world had a chance to lower the emissions, most of them considered that the economic situation was more important. In those days if the governments had paid more attention to the greenhouse problem, we wouldn’t be confronted with that problem now. In the past the governments should have started to do pollution control, use alternative energy or transportation, plant more plants, have fewer factories, use the solar and wind energy instead of the fossil fuels. In those day’s they made the economic situation better, but ignored the greenhouse problem. Now the economic situation is worse than ever before and the same with our environment.
Increasing global temperature has caused the polar ice caps to melt and the sea level to rise. As a result of flooding we don’t have small islands such as New Zealand, Hawaii and the other islands. The water has destroyed these islands and all the coastal cities. 60% of the Antarctic ice has melted, so we are just waiting for when the entire coast will sink.
Beginning in this century Antarctica was the lowest populated area in the world. In these days it’s crowded like China used to be. 780,000,000 people live over there because the climate over there is a little colder than the other places. Africa, South-America, and Australia are almost out of people. The weather in those places is over 120 F daily and the heat just kills people.
All the live creatures on the land and in the sea are fighting for being. Just as our climate has change, so do we. The weaker organisms have died and the stronger ones have changed to survive in new conditions. Animals who needed cold climate are all dead; we cannot see any more penguins or white bears and the other cold climate animals. Also most of the trees have become extinct. Instead of the green deciduous trees we have now cactuses and desert in many places. People’s skin color has changed. Years ago we could see many light-skinned people, but not anymore. The new skin color is dark, which saves us from skin cancer and protects us from the sun’s rays.
The global warming has increased the temperature and decreased the life conditions. The flooding has destroyed many cities, islands, plants, and trees. High temperature has caused the death of animals, birds, insects, and people. Also the main bases of food are crushed. It’s seems like WE all, who still are on this planet, just are waiting for our time to burn, starve to death, or sink.
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Olesya Glebova
ESL 91
Spring, 2002
Essay Topic: Imagine that it is the year 2050. Although governments and their citizens were warned about the dangers of the greenhouse effect as early as the 1970's, they did not take the necessary steps to prevent it from worsening. As a result, global warming and ozone depletion continued unchecked. In a well-organized essay, describe what life would be like in the year 2050 under these conditions. What would be the state of the climate? What would the nations of the world look like? What would be the day-to-day living conditions of the people of the world?
Our planet and life on
the earth is the most important for human society. But unfortunately, the
governments of all nations did not take some particular steps seriously to keep
clean our natural balance on the earth. For this reason, our society faces a
serious and dangerous problem nowadays-the greenhouse effect. Millions of
people are dying in the middle of the twenty-first century because nobody was
able to survive when the climate changed.
According to the
reading of the article “Greenhouse
Effect” by Loretta Kasper, carbon dioxide and other gases such as methane
and chlorofluorocarbons have been increasing in the atmosphere for the past
thirty years and, for this reason, the climate was changed. The reason why the
climate was changed is because the temperature was increased. The chance that
the greenhouse effect was starting to melt the Antarctic ice caps was increased
also. Unfortunately, the Antarctic icecaps melted and ocean and sea levels
rose. For this reason, many major cities, which were built on the coasts, have
disappeared. People who stayed alive are moving out to mountainous regions
because the biggest percentage of track of level ground is underwater now.
The second dangerous
problem, which has been created in 2050, is the ultraviolet radiation. The
ultraviolet radiation is destroying the ozone layer, which helps to keep
balance in the atmosphere between ultraviolet radiation, ozone, oxygen, and
other gases. Without the ozone layer, the ultraviolet radiation increases an
assortment of diseases for human beings such as: skin cancer and eye disease.
Moreover, ultraviolet radiation is not just destructive to human beings, but it
is very dangerous to all life on the earth. All herbs, trees, and plants are
killed by ultraviolet radiation. The reason of this damage is that the people,
animals, and mammals are deprived from the basic food.
Canada, Siberia, and
mountains are the most popular regions for the people who survived. As we know,
previously these regions were very cold, but the atmosphere changed and the
climate in these regions also changed. The temperature is stable, around one
hundred degrees in wintertime. The life in summertime is harder than in
wintertime because the temperature is increasing to more than one hundred
eighty degrees. The regime of people’s life is changed in summertime. In
daytime people try to stay in their homes because nobody wants to get a stroke
or radiation disease. No matter that people try to protect themselves from
ultraviolet radiation; most of the people are sick and have serious diseases
like skin cancer. The entire population is unhealthy. Day by day hundreds of
people die and the causes of that are ultraviolet radiation and famine.
However, all nations
hope that the government still has a chance to save our lives from greenhouse
effect. This hope based on the agreements that the government made in 1980’s.
This agreement includes the following option: pump-action sprays, which cause
no damage to the environment, can substitute aerosol sprays. In addition, this
spray can keep the balance in the ozone stage at different distance from the
ground. Also, people hope that the government will start work hard to reduce
air pollution that turns out greenhouse gases, which can lead to the damage of
the ozone layer.
In conclusion, I would like to write that, unfortunately, the proximate future on our planet is awfully lamentable because the government did not work hard to reduce air pollution and they did not take the necessary steps to prevent it from worsening. For this reason, all mankind is paying for that with their lives because, as we know, for each mistake we have to pay.
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Faisal Rashid
ESL 91
Spring, 2002
Essay Topic: Imagine that it is the year 2050. Although governments and their citizens were warned about the dangers of the greenhouse effect as early as the 1970's, they did not take the necessary steps to prevent it from worsening. As a result, global warming and ozone depletion continued unchecked. In a well-organized essay, describe what life would be like in 2050 under these conditions. What would be the state of the climate? What would the nations of the world look like? What would be the day-to-day living conditions of the people of the world?
The greenhouse effect describes the role the atmosphere plays in warming the earth. The greenhouse effect is the major problem we are facing in 2050. We are facing this problem because in the early 1900's the government did not take any action. The greenhouse effect is also raising the temperature. Because of the increased temperature the ice in the polar caps is melting which causes a lot of trouble for the world.
The global condition is getting worse day by day. There are many reasons why the global condition is getting worse. The main important reason is that the homeostasis of the earth has been destroyed. The homeostasis has been destroyed because of the pollutants and chemicals. The Ozone layer stops the ultraviolet radiation that comes from the sun. Now Ozone layer has a hole. The ozone layer has a hole because of the greenhouse gasses. The biggest problem we are facing with the ozone layer is that the ozone layer is not stopping the ultraviolet radiation.
The ultraviolet radiation spreads a lot of diseases such as skin cancer and eye disease. Ultraviolet radiation is not just harmful to human beings; it is harmful to all life on earth. Ultraviolet radiation destroys the trees, plants, and crops, which come from the basic food chains that support the life on earth. People are dying from starvation because there is not enough food for people.
The temperature increase has melted the ice in the polar caps. Because the polar cap is melting the sea level is rising up, and this is destroying the world's major cities because the world's major cities are all built around the coast. It is affecting the world economy very badly.
We face this worse problem because in the 1900's the government did not do anything. If they had done something to make it better in the 1900's, then the world would be safe today. I think even today it's not too late. The government has to do something to make it better so we can live our life as we want.
To make our world better we have to give up something's, which are part of our life. The first thing is we do not have to use electricity too much. We have to try to use the solar energy instead of the electricity. We have to stop driving the cars too much because it makes pollution, which is not good for the ozone layer. If is not good for the ozone layer then it's not good for our world. We have to try to ride a bike or walk as much we can. It's also good for us to walk or ride a bike because it's a kind of exercise. Exercise save us from a lot of illness.
According to the research I did about the global warming. I understand that all articles are focus on the same points, which is that ozone layer, is not stopping the ultra violent radiation, which comes from the earth. The ultra violent radiation causes a lot of illness such as skin cancer and eye disease.
For the solution of global warming we have to reduce our population but we have to grow more trees. Also we have to increase our dependence on renewable non-population sources of energy, such as solar energy and wind. Scientist should attempt to improve the reliability of their predication on climate change and its effects with more dependable projection of temperature and sea level variation.
The global condition is getting worse day by day. It's because the homeostasis of the earth has been destroyed. Also the ozone layer has a hole. Now the ozone layer is not stopping the ultraviolet4 radiation, which comes from the sun. The ultraviolet radiation causes a lot of diseases. We face this problem because in the 1990's the government did not take any action. Even now it's not too late. The government has to do something to make it better so we can live our life as we want.
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