Vika |
Ewa |
Nataliya K. |
Vika Bondar
ESL 91
Spring, 2000
Topic: Discuss how sales and marketing strategies have changed as a result of developing technology. What changes have occurred in advertising with the development of computer technology? How has developing technology expanded the marketplace for both businesses and consumers?
Advertising is a good way to show, to tell people about a product. In the early 19th century, advertising was available only in newspapers and magazines. Advertising on TV and the Internet has been opened far later. In 1992 the Internet advertising was opened to commercial activities and became popular in the United States.
Advertising on TV and newspapers familiarizes people with advertising only in a certain area. But the Internet has dispersed ads mostly in the entire world. People can buy one or another product in any area (country). Year after year advertising on the Internet has captured more and more people. On the Internet we can find what ever we want and need: music (in any language), books, clothing, trips, information about vacations, jobs, cars, houses. And moreover we can buy all this easily online.
In this project I will discuss how sales and marketing strategies have changed as a result of developing technology, how they changed step by step. I will describe the changes that have occurred in advertising with the development of computer technology. Finally I will discuss how those changes have expanded the marketplace for businesses and for consumers.
How Have Sales and Marketing Strategies Changed With Developing Technology
Advertisers try to figure out how to make advertising work on the Web. They look for someone who can make the Web site. But as Web advertising day after day is a more important part of marketing budgets, advertisers should work hard to adopt a language, which they are going to need in their future business on the Web.
Advertisers have a lot of choices on the Web. Technology is developing very fast, but still we have to do a lot of work to make advertising on the Internet. For what do we need a Web site? First of all you can make money from this. In addition, almost the whole world can come to your Web site and of course you will get money. The most important thing is for us to create our own Web page on the Internet. And for those who can't do this, there is only one choice: to hire someone else who can. For example, I am a person, who wants to make the Web page, but I don't have the skills to do this job. I will hire the person who can do this (page) then, of course I will pay money for his or her skill. But maybe one day that man or women (who made the web site for me) will visit my site and buy something. By this I want to say that everybody gets paid for the job which he or she does.
Web site design is really important for a company. A page on the Internet should be nice, interesting, and get people interested in the product. Then we should include pictures, advertising, and explanations. For example, you see a picture, you can better know how the product looks, and with what you are dealing. For example, I don't know English very well and maybe if I read something I wouldn't understand what this is. But when I see the picture, I will figure out what it is.
Moreover the Web site should give us clear information so that we can have good understanding about the product. We should know why the product is good, why we need this (product). If a company has good advertising, the success is almost guaranteed.
How does the Internet tell us about a product and why it is good or not good?
Advertisers on the Web have three choices: destination sites, micro sites, and captions (Doyle). Destination sites, use information, amusement, and high production value to pull users in and bring them back again. Micro sites are small windows, which produce some product or something about "Win $ 5,000", by just filling out a form. Companies can put micro sites in a lot of other web pages, so that people can see them, without going into their own site (people who produce the product). Captions let people request, for example free samples, register to win, and other products. For example, computer game companies put a demo game on the Web site. People can play, and if they like this game they will order this disk. The most important thing is to intrigue people. Put more pictures, opinions of different people, good and big advertising on their Web site. If a company has all those statements, their business will increase and prosper.
Comparing TV and Computer Technology (Internet). What are The Differences Between TV and Internet, What Gives Us Better View About A Product?
The Internet is the best way to present advertising. There are so many different media, where we can produce advertising, but they are not as effective as the Internet. One of them is TV. Television advertisements are very popular even right now. But not too many companies can put their advertising on the TV channel, because they maybe have just a few minutes for this to present the product. In this short time advertising on TV can't give us enough information; there is not enough time even to write down the phone number. For example, I want to buy a camera. I saw advertising on TV a few times and I couldn't catch the information. But if I go to the Web site, I will find a lot of important information, and the price. I can see this camera, and I don't need to hurry. I can relax until I am finished. And another good point is the price. If you order from the Internet, it will be much cheaper.
Why do advertisers do this and why is it profitable for them? They do this to intrigue people. People don't need to waste their time, and they don't need to get out of the house and waste money for gas. Moreover it is profitable for the company because they don't need to hire people (salesperson); they don't have to pay rent, and they don't need a building. If someone asked me as either a businessperson or a consumer what I'd chose, I would say -the Internet. As a consumer, I would chose the Internet, because I don't like to walk into the store; as a businessperson, because I can sell my product to the whole world.
As I was preparing this project, I used a lot of information, which of course I found on the Internet. I learned a lot of new slang, which is helpful for me now and will be helpful in my future. Even thought I am new to using computers, I still can go on the Internet. If I get on the computer, I spend a lot of time on the Internet. Sometimes even when I need to go, I still sit at the computer. But before I get off of the Internet, I usually spend more than one hour, by saying to myself that's it. I think o.k. one more minute, let me see one more page and after another page and another. I check all those micro sites. Sometimes I fill out an application to win something. I hope that one day I will win money or something else. The Internet motivates me to stay on the page and to look for other pages also. And moreover the Internet is really helpful for my college and my ESL 91 class.
In conclusion I want to say that the Internet is a really good thing. The Internet gives us( people) a greater amount of information as we need. It is the best way to get a comparison of the products that we need. If we are interested in buying, it is best for us to check the Web sites. Also if we would like to make our own Web page we can do this, without paying a lot of money. From where do we set all this information? The answer is from advertising, which we see everywhere: on TV, on the Internet, in the newspapers and more. Year after year we get more and more new, interesting information. In the future I will use the Internet more than now because I will have more time for computer and I find it really interesting.
Bill Doyle, Mary A. Modahl, Ben Abbott, Forrester Reasearch. "IAB Advertising ABC's". What Advertising Works? (1999-2000). [Online], [April 3, 2000].
Chen,Karrie, Omotayo Esseogene, Thamara Lamour, Mohammed Rahman. "History of Internet Advertising". (Fall 1999). [Online].
Ewa Kucharska
ESL 91
Spring, 2000
Essay Topic: Discuss how sales and marketing strategies have changed as a result of developing technology. What changes have occurred in advertising with the development of computer technology? How has developing technology expanded the marketplace for both businesses and consumers?
we have incredible change in marketing strategy and sales. Our technology has been changed all the time
and that effects change in marketing and sales. Today we have a lot of commercials
and advertising. The advertisements are
introducing and selling products to the customer market. Since the 17th century, when the
English newspaper published the first advertisement, through the 18th
and 19th centuries, and continuing during the 20th
century technology has been developed that has caused changes in the marketing
strategy. Each change in technology has
a major influence on advertising. Today
the main advertising media are TV commercials and e-commercials. E-commercials are our future because the
customer can see e-commercials by sitting in front of his/her computer and
checking e-mail.
we use the Internet all the time. We
have the Internet everywhere. We do research for school. We use the Internet at work during our lunch
hours. People use the Internet very
often and for a variety of purposes including shopping, research, or when they
are just bored. Advertisers attach
their little advertisement to very popular websites. These are the websites that have the most “hits.” There are advertisements in the small icons
that say “click here” to open large color displays with sound and movement
included. Sometimes the ads flash to
catch your attention.
big companies are investing more in commercials on the web. In 1997 there were
twice as many e-commercials than in 1996.
The ads on the Internet are more developed since1992. In this year the Internet opened the market
for commercials on the web sites.
That’s why now we have more commercials on the Internet. Many companies see e-commercials as a good
opportunity for their business. Also
more companies have their own web page on the Internet. For example I saw a Gap commercial for Web
sites a week ago. I have a younger
brother in Poland and I have no idea what to buy for him. So when I spoke with
him I told him go to the web site,,
and send me e-mail about what he wants.
Now I can go to the store and buy him a gift. Or I can order it for him on the net, and have is delivered to
him in Poland. For me it is important
that he like the present.
I read that the Internet is not ready for commercials. We don’t have an established market for it.
According to Moskowitz, who published an article about e-commercials on the Internet,
the Internet is not ready for “the exchange of money so necessary to
commerce…”. That means our Internet is
not ready with the necessary software for marketing. We don’t have enough qualified high technical people for the
Internet, even though we can sell everything on the Internet from a cheese to a
car. However we can sell only products
which we have put to the web sites this makes the product available for
customers. We can’t forget that, part
of our Internet isn’t yet setup for business transactions. For example: I was on the Internet looking
for the flowers for Mother’s Day. I
found many nice flowers for my mom. I
didn’t buy any because I live with my mom.
I’d rather go to the flower store and chose fresh flowers on my
own. However I have my father in Poland
and I wanted to send him flowers for Father’s Day. I couldn’t do it for my
father because the Internet in Poland doesn’t have flowers on the Internet.
Then I wanted to order a pen or tools for my dad and I found out this is difficult. Polish web sites are different and they
don’t have nice pictures as American have it.
I don’t like to buy something if I don’t see it in the picture.
Hyland said in his article and I agree, “advertising is not just about
distributing messages, it’s about building customer relationships…” These
e-commercials will be developed for customer’s needs. The e-commercials will have a relationship with the
customer. I think those commercials
will ask the customer what he/she likes and what is interesting for
him/her. The author (Hyland) doesn’t
know specifically how those commercials will look, but he knows the future
commercials will be about a relationship with the customer. That seems
interesting to me. The Internet is a medium that has such opportunity speak
with you. Those future commercials will
deliver to special customers what they need.
I think the e-commercials will be based on the statistic about what
customers need or like. Maybe they will
get this information through polls on the Internet. We will have this in the next millennium.
Marketing has now changed. Before we needed four utilities to have a
successful business, but now we need only three utilities. The utilities are to satisfy customers
needs. Before marketing had utilities like form (the product has available
size), time (product is on time when customer wants to buy it), possession
utility (the product is available by price and credit card for customers) and
place (product is available in the store when customer want to buy it). On the web sites marketing doesn’t need
place utility. We can sell over the
Internet and the product will always be available (time utility). Time utility brings more customers to the
business. We don’t have to walk from
one store to another to buy it. For
example I want to buy sandals in Nine West, but they don’t have any more of the
one which l liked. They give me a list
of the stores where they have it. I
really like those sandals, so I went to a Nine West, but I didn’t find
them. Finally I give up. If Nine West has a web sit, I would buy the
shoes. I don’t know if Nine West has an
Internet web page. However if I see an
e-commercial for those stores, I will use it.
This makes e-commercials more important in our lives. For me it was shoes; for somebody this can
be something else important for this person.
Also stores over the Internet don’t need to pay store rent. They don’t need to pay sales people. They only need to have a stockroom and
employ some designers for Web sites.
The attractive web page gets customers attention, and then customers
will look on the Web page with the possibility that person can buy a product.
over the Internet is easy if they have to have the customers trust. But sometimes is difficult. That is difficult to make the customers
trust the ads of products sold over the Internet. We have to have stronger private police when we want to buy
something by our e-mail; we have to have confidence that nobody will steal our
credit card number. We have a lot of
passwords and Id over the Internet. We want to have confidence that nobody can
use those passwords and IDs and cause us some debts on our account.
people have to trust by give the credit card number, when they order something
from web; then the net, will be more popular than today. I think in our future the net will be like
today’s telephone. We can not live
without the phone today! The
e-commercials that I usually read are the ones on the PC. For example, when I opened my Internet and I
saw commercials I hated them! Anyway
sometimes I read them. I sow sometimes something what I was interested in. I checked the price. I didn’t buy anything over the Internet, but
I thought about it. Also I like to
click on some ad, which got my attention.
That I found interesting.
However I didn’t like e-commercials in my e-mail. I think that is a waste of money for the
company. I never opened these
commercials and I always deleted them.
I know many of my friends don’t open them either. Those commercials can have computer viruses.
don’t agree that our Internet isn’t ready for e-commercials. I see over the Internet that there are many
commercials and each commercial is more interesting. I think that in our future
we will have more interesting e-commercials because our technology will be more
people now see TV as basic source for their commercials. I expect that e-commercials will replace TV
commercials. However we cannot go from
watching TV to the Internet WebTV right away. We need to have time for that, because the net isn’t developed for
it yet. We have had TV since 1950. The TV was very expensive in the fifty’s
and not everyone had TV. Fifty years
from that every one has TV. Today TV is
a basic need for us; we con not live without TV. However TV is cheaper right now and every one can buy it. We need the web TV to be cheaper in the
future. Then web TV will be possible
for every body to buy. As TV is today,
the web TV will be something basic that every one has. Then e-commercials will be part of
everybody’s life.
Bryce Rick “Exploding The
WEB CPM Myth” online At the 11:45p.m. 5/7/2000.
“Computer Chronicles” [Episode#1639,
First Broadcast Week of 12/22/98] online 9:35p.m. 5/2/2000
Hyland Tom “Web Advertising A Year of Growth”
online 11:45p.m. 5/7/2000.
Kasper Loretta F. “Advertising” Interdisciplinary English. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998.
Moskowitz Robert “Marketing and The Internet” online 11:15a.m. 4/18/2000.
Nataliya Kolesnyk
ESL 91
Spring, 2000
Essay Topic: Discuss how sales and marketing strategies have
changed as a result of developing technology. What changes have occurred in
advertising with the development of computer technology? How has developing
technology expanded the marketplace for both businesses and consumers?
Advertising is one of the most important things in the marketing strategy. There are many ways and methods to advertise in the media. Every medium of marketing has its own strengths and weaknesses.
Radio is the most intimate of the media. It allows you as an advertiser to spend a lot of time one-on-one with the audience. Most of the time people are alone in their cars when they listen to the radio. The newspaper is a place where people look for news. Many companies use that strength to show the news about them. Magazine readers are more involved. They take a good long time to read more carefully. Magazines include many colorful pictures that make people pay more attention to articles they include. It is the place to insert a learning material about a company. Television is the most comprehensive of the media. It allows companies to demonstrate their products visually. (Guerilla Marketing 53)
All of these methods can be too expensive for small companies. Another thing is a limitation of the potential consumers. It is well known that people can see your commercial only in those places where those TV channels on which you advertise are available. In other places people don’t know about you.
To cover this blank in the advertising campaign,
companies more often use the Internet. The Internet is not as expensive as TV
and it gives you an opportunity to let consumers know about you all over the
world. It also gives an opportunity to advertise 24/7. People can see your
advertising any time they log on to the Internet. As a medium the Internet
includes all the strengths that other media have: it gives an intimacy, it is
the place where people go looking for news, colorful pictures get our attention
to the screen, and video clips and animation make a good visual demonstration.
Plus the main strength of the Internet is in interaction. People can shop right
in front of their computers or ask for help and get response immediately.
of Different Types of the Advertising.
Before they start to run any kind of business,
companies should think about where they want to locate their business and where
to insert their ads more successfully. To do it in the professional way they
should do a lot of research and compare different statistics. For instance,
they can compare web ads and TV ads. Here is one statistic: The first place
where people look for information on the net is search engines. It is very
simple. All they need is just type a key word and get results. The popularity
of search engines is 70% of the time according to the other sources of taking
information. A link from the home page takes around 30% of the time of
effectiveness. Web ad effectiveness is 27% of the time. It is 2% of the time
higher than magazine or newspaper ads. TV ad at the same time is about 16-17%
of the time.
Jupiter's chart ( shows how users find websites:
Here more facts about doing business on the
Pricing on merchandise.
The Internet gives the small companies an
opportunity to advertise their products more effectively and it costs them less
then other media. You can even find free advertising on the Web. Another thing is a virtual store. The same
merchandise can cost a lot less in a virtual store then in a real location. For
instance, if I had a store in a nice location in New York, I would probably
have a good profitable business but I would need to pay many bills such as
rent, utilities, phone and insurance. All those expenses would affect the
prices on my products. That means that not so many people would be able to
afford to buy in my store. But on the Internet because I can cut a big part of
those expenses, my prices would be much less then in a real location.
A virtual store also is available for more consumers then a real location can give. If my store were located in New York, my potential consumers would be people who live in the city or around this area. But if I decided to sell my products in the whole United States I would need to find locations in every city of the US. Of course it would not be possible for me to afford and to handle all those things. The Internet gives me an opportunity to be available, not only to every city in the US, but also to the whole world.
One of the most important considerations in
Internet selling is privacy. There are many people who don’t want to let the
others know that they buy and use some products. For instance, a young woman
lives in a small city. People in that city are protesting against abortions and
contraceptives. The young woman doesn’t plan to have children yet, and has to
use birth control pills. In this case she would have two choices. One of them
is to take a trip far away where nobody knows her. Another one is to order the
pills by using the Internet.
By working on this project I learned a lot about doing business on the Internet. The advertising part was very interesting for me. I defined strength and weaknesses of many different types of advertising. By searching on the web I‘ve learned many things and they have become a part of my own knowledge. This knowledge will be useful for me in my future life because I am planning to run a business on the Internet and sell little figurines, which people can use as wonderful gifts. My main point is to make it successful.
The main point of doing any business is having important information. If a businessperson has the information that s/he can use to succeed, s/he will never lose. Sometimes this information can be very expensive. The only way to get the information fast and cheaply is by using Internet resources.
The Internet is the youngest type of media and compared with the other types of media, it is the fastest growing ( People who use the Internet every day have different ages and levels of education. It means any kind of business can survive on the web and sooner or later companies will place their stores more on the Internet than in the real locations. If you are not doing business on the Internet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
Tom “Why Internet Advertising?” [Online]
[May 2, 2000]
Jay. C. Guerrilla Marketing. New
York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1993. 53-54
"Online Branding & Public Relations” [Online] [May 2, 2000]