Fall, 2005


Dr. Loretta Kasper


Office: C-219

Phone: 718-368-5373




Course Web Site:



10:20 AM - 12:30 PM Mon, Tues, Thurs C215

Writing Center L-219 Wed 10:20 AM - 12:30 PM




  • ·         Interdisciplinary English by Loretta F. Kasper (publisher: McGraw-Hill)


  • ·         Two 3 ½” FORMATTED floppy disks for computer lab work


  • ·         Recommended grammar reference: Understanding and Using English Grammar by Betty Azar.


Please note that you WILL NOT be admitted to class without your textbooks.




Regular attendance and participation are REQUIRED. If you are excessively absent and/or late, you will be asked to drop the course. You are expected to be in class ON TIME every day. Class begins promptly at 10:20 AM. You will be considered excessively absent if you miss more than eight hours of class--please note that this is eight HOURS not eight classes (each class is 2 hours). In addition, if you are late 3 times, it will count as ONE absence.




The theme of this ESL 91 course will be "Interdisciplinary English and the Internet." In this course you will be reading and writing about the variety of academic disciplines represented in your textbook.


Computers and the Internet will be an integral part of this course. We will meet in Computer Lab one day each week. You must bring 2 formatted floppy disks to computer lab every week.


During the first week of classes, you will each choose a discipline to study in-depth for the semester. You may choose from any of the 10 subjects in your textbook. The discipline you choose is called your FOCUS DISCIPLINE. You will read, research and write about topics of interest in your focus discipline.


You will work with classmates who have chosen the same focus discipline. You will use the Internet to communicate with other students and to find information for your research projects.





The ESL 91 Home Page can be found on the Internet at

On this page, you can find the course syllabus, a schedule of assignments, and links to many different language learning resources. Please visit this page regularly and use the resources provided on it to practice grammar, listening, reading, and writing. One of our goals is to be able to publish your essays to this web site.




Reading: You will be assigned readings and exercises in your textbooks. In addition, you will read texts that you find on the Internet. You must keep up with the reading or you will not pass the course.


Writing: You will be doing academic writing on the reading and the research you have done in your focus discipline.


You will be doing several drafts of each written piece. You will work with your classmates and with me to improve your writing. Writing assignments will be collected and graded on a scheduled to be announced.


PLEASE NOTE: YOUR ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE HANDED IN TO ME ON THE DAY THEY ARE DUE.  NO EXCEPTIONS! NO EXCUSES! I will not accept nor read late assignments. ALL WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE TYPED DOUBLE-SPACED, USING 12 POINT ARIAL FONT.    If you have any questions regarding these requirements, ask me.




You will be reading college-level material and you will be writing academic college level papers. The readings and the exercises are designed to prepare you both for college-level assignments and for the English Departmental Reading Exam, which you will take at the end of the semester. The English Departmental Test gives you one extended reading passage and then asks you questions related to the material and issues presented in that passage.


As part of your focus discipline study, you will be writing several research papers. You will choose TWO of these pieces for your writing portfolio. The writing portfolio is very important because you must receive a passing score on your portfolio to pass the writing portion of this course.


PLEASE NOTE: If you are excessively late or absent, or if you do not hand in your assignments on time, you WILL NOT be allowed to submit a portfolio and you will need to repeat ESL 91.


You must pass BOTH READING AND WRITING to advance to the next level. Otherwise you must repeat ESL 91.


You will take the ACT exams in the next level course. You must pass the ACT exams before you may register for ENG 12. To give you some advance preparation, I have included a link to practice ACT tests in reading and writing on our course web site at